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Create a Progressive Web Apps (PWA) compatible webpage by linking a manifest.json. This can be tested via chrome inspecter Lighthouse tool. This can be used to create standalone app-like (webclips) behavior on ios Devices or as an individual…

First-time and quick ride on new Twister 110 skates.

Screenshot 2023-11-11 at 7.40.15 PM.png
Screenshots taken from using the JRVS ChatGPT chrome extension. These are also required and used in Chrome Web Store to publish the extension.

Sample import csv template
So I spend a while hunting for a convenient way to upload multiple files for new Omeka items. First, I couldn't find any example import csv templates, and then the "solutions" that I have run across doesn't resolve or provide a way to batch upload…

It is annoying and user unfriendly when triggering pause processing at the command line by pressing/click within the console. Disabling this will prevent the command line from pausing.

At the command prompt, click on the command prompt icon and…

Fall foliage near the park.

Riley discovered a small pearl within a big oyster.

Fairy houses

A webpage of example scripts to help guide people to become more familiar with how scripts work.

A webplicated website as an example to demo the result static pages generated using the webplicator project.
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2