MDT Deployment
MDT Deployment with DS
Steps to a working Microsoft MDT Deployment with rules set for domain auto-join on the target client after being imaged.
IMPORTANT NOTES: Failure to meet the below requirements will prevent PXE boot, WDS deployment, renders the target client to be unable to join target domain, severely increase deployment time and cause MDT Deployment errors.
Additional Notes: Beyond this point there can lie other causes to deployment errors and failures and are beyond the scope of this post. These examples include problematic driver injections, security and group policies configurations. In those scenerios, ensure that a minimal deployment of operating system succeeds.
Steps to Install Prerequisites & MDT:
1. Download ADK and PE-Addon from: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/get-started/adk-install
- WDS & PXE depend on the functionality of your network DHCP.
- Domain Service discovery/connection depend on the functionality of your network DNS.
- Ensure domain service is fully operational.
- Both test outside the deployment process and during deployment process for the functionality of DHCP and DNS, or configure them into your deployment process.
- Ensure the target computer (hostname) is registered within the AD environment under the specified OU within the set Deployment Share Rules.
- Setting OU within customsettings.ini is optional and this parameter should be removed if something such as adding new computers to the default "Computers" OU is desired.
- Operational DHCP, DNS, and DS
- Access & Permission on provided user with the Deployment Share
- Validity of the specified MachineObjOU parameter
- Access & Permission on provided domain user for domain join with the specified MachineObjOU
Additional Notes: Beyond this point there can lie other causes to deployment errors and failures and are beyond the scope of this post. These examples include problematic driver injections, security and group policies configurations. In those scenerios, ensure that a minimal deployment of operating system succeeds.
Steps to Install Prerequisites & MDT:
1. Download ADK and PE-Addon from: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/get-started/adk-install
- Ensure it is the right Version targeting deployment clients.
2. Download MDT Package from: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=54259
3. Configure with "Deployment Workbench".
- Create Deployment Share
- Configure Deployment Share Properties
- Rules (Domain auto-join)
- Sample file attached
- Rules (Domain auto-join)
- Configure Deployment Share Properties
- Assign Operating System (Base Image)
- Create/Edit Task Sequence
- Installation of JRVSInputs
- Right click left panel to Update MDT to (re)generate Boot\image.wim for the Deployment Share
4. Apply the generated image.wim to WDS as boot image.
5. Boot clients into PXE and select a Task Sequence