Keyword: sendKeys - Send keyevents
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 10:15 pm
On Error
- Sends specified keys using text keynames (does not support keycodes) through messages, to be registered into a target, can be inactive, application.
- Modifier keys are triggered globally, keys are registered into the target window set by focusWin or setWin keywords.
- Keys that is sent only to the target application
- backspace
- tab
- enter
- esc
- space
- del
- 0-9
- a-z
- A-Z
- !
- "
- #
- $
- %
- &
- '
- (
- )
- *
- +
- plus
- ,
- -
- .
- /
- :
- ;
- <
- =
- >
- ?
- @
- [
- ]
- \
- ^
- _
- `
- {
- }
- |
- ~
- x: The specified keynames.
- Allow the use of "+" for key combinations
- Allow the use of "," for sequential key presses
- sendKeys x
- ex: sendKeys ctrl+a, del
On Error
- If no valid window is targeted, keys to be send to targeted window will be ignored.
- If none of specified keynames or the last key of a shortcut is not in the list of the keys sent only to the target window, the keys will instead register at the window in focus.