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盗墓笔记重启 · 第五十四章

目录:盗墓笔记重启    作者:南派三叔    发布时间:2017-07-28

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    盗迷对《盗墓笔记重启 · 第五十四章》的精彩点评:
  1. 稻米  2017-07-28 23:54:53


  2. 第一  2017-07-28 23:55:17


  3. 。。。  2017-07-28 23:55:34


  4. 匿名  2017-07-28 23:56:25


  5. 哈哈  2017-07-28 23:56:53


  6. xiaoge  2017-07-28 23:57:50


  7. 夜风  2017-07-28 23:58:24


  8. 更了就好  2017-07-28 23:58:49


  9. 夜风  2017-07-28 23:59:24


  10. ······  2017-07-29 00:00:08


  11. 匿名  2017-07-29 00:01:56


  12. 不是萝卜不吃兔子  2017-07-29 00:04:53


  13. 琪子  2017-07-29 00:05:08


  14. 吴南  2017-07-29 00:05:43


  15. 63880  2017-07-29 00:06:20


  16. 匿名  2017-07-29 00:07:26


  17. 12  2017-07-29 00:07:57


  18. 吴邪  2017-07-29 00:08:51


  19. 粽子  2017-07-29 00:09:12


  20. 匿名  2017-07-29 00:10:22


  21. 稻米阿透((└(((º∀º;;┌)┘))))  2017-07-29 00:13:01


  22. 铁三角  2017-07-29 00:15:02


  23. 匿名  2017-07-29 00:16:00


  24. 小花  2017-07-29 00:16:17


  25. 稻米一枚  2017-07-29 00:16:53


  26. 吴南  2017-07-29 00:17:52


  27. 真·妹子  2017-07-29 00:24:58


  28. 西瓜群众  2017-07-29 00:25:35


  29. 人皮  2017-07-29 00:25:50


  30. 瓶子  2017-07-29 00:26:32


  31. 闷油瓶的酱油  2017-07-29 00:36:14

    @20楼匿名: 说的好。 闷油瓶,妇孺皆知,老少咸宜。叫张起灵有点外道了。

  32. 小哥  2017-07-29 00:38:54


  33. 石头  2017-07-29 00:39:38


  34. 😘  2017-07-29 00:41:13


  35. 小黑金  2017-07-29 00:43:05


  36. 姜匠  2017-07-29 02:35:11


  37. ......  2017-07-29 03:43:42


  38. 细细  2017-07-29 04:59:23


  39. 張起靈  2017-07-29 06:07:49


  40. 炸药  2017-07-29 06:13:36


  41. 稻米  2017-07-29 06:40:09


  42. 骷髅汐  2017-07-29 07:18:01


  43. 白舟  2017-07-29 08:06:02


  44. 人皮  2017-07-29 08:12:57


  45. 赢珂儿  2017-07-29 08:37:19


  46. 赢珂儿  2017-07-29 08:43:45


  47. 无邪  2017-07-29 08:52:36


  48. 手  2017-07-29 08:55:52


  49. ,  2017-07-29 10:26:13


  50. 曼陀沙华  2017-07-29 10:42:47


  51. 一穷  2017-07-29 12:02:26


  52. 我的腳  2017-07-29 12:31:55


  53. 终于看到了  2017-07-29 12:55:50


  54. L  2017-07-29 13:05:39


  55. 吴老鼠  2017-07-29 13:18:44

    @一穷: 那是一艘宇宙飞船,这是要到外星去盗墓的节奏。啊啊啊——-

  56. 匿名  2017-07-29 13:56:26


  57. JY007  2017-07-29 15:37:16

    Forgive me I can’t speak Chinese but I am daomubiji novel fan.

    My favorite character is 张起灵 however I’m not a fan of 瓶邪 cp.
    My heart broke when 张起灵 went to the bronze door instead of Wuxie.
    When he come back to us in 2015 I feel very happy to see him again and expect to read a lot about him because I miss 小哥 so much.

    I couldn’t help but feel 小哥 lack screentime compare to 吴邪 and 胖子.

    I don’t ask for 瓶邪 screentime but I ask for more 小哥 screentime, my favorite character.

    To read the story from wuxie’s point of view is not enough. Because 张起灵 lack of words and little action makes it feels like he just be there but doesn’t have roles. So sad.

    So in the end tell me what is Zhang qi ling’s importance? just there to save Wuxie from dangerous. *sigh*

    I love 小哥 so much I want to see him happy. I wish he would find an important thing in his life, to find love. I hope in the future there will come a female character who love him and dedicated to him.

    张起灵 deserves to be happy. He’s such a great guy. he has a heart of gold. MY HERO!!!

    PS. wish there will be a day I can read more about 张起灵 not from Wuxie’s point of view.

    I miss other character such as 黑瞎子, 解雨臣 and 霍秀秀 too. They’re awesome.

  58. ¶  2017-07-29 16:51:10


  59. 张起灵的手  2017-07-29 17:36:44


  60. 李慕  2017-07-29 18:04:02

    @¶:@JY007: 翻译如下,不足之处需要稻米补充。



  61. @JY007  2017-07-29 18:35:34

    Sorry you can’t read and write Chinese. But too bad, your English isn’t great as well. Btw there were some characters in the past who did have crush on Zhang. And who to say, there wasn’t any one of them who truly loved him. Plus what kind of women would Zhang love? or rather willing to love. Wuxie only got closer to him after he lost his memories. If he remembers everything since they first met, he wouldn’t allow himself to open up to Wuxie. So if you want Zhang to fall in love with a woman, he’d probably have to lose his memories again so that he’d not restrain himself and be able to fall in love. But then he would forget Wuxie too. That’s probably one of the worst tragedies for the book fans. Though I’m also not a CP fan, I don’t think Zhang’s happy to exchange his friendship with Wuxie for a romantic life with a woman. They are not lovers. They are just too important to each other for them to forget.

  62. 苏  2017-07-29 18:40:03


  63. 防弹家的阿米  2017-07-29 19:02:14


  64. 匿名  2017-07-29 19:48:55


  65. 匿名  2017-07-29 20:25:57

    @JY007: I can tell from your words that you really do love Zhang and other characters,however,I think that you have mistaken the reasons why Zhang exists and what he represents in this novel. Maybe it’s because you can’t read the novel in Chinese(we know that things can be misunderstood throughout translation),therefore, you’re highly recommend to read the original version or go through the whole novel in a different aspect deeply. Hope you can truel understand and enjoy the story even more

  66. 匿名  2017-07-29 20:29:22

    /偷笑,中文博大精深,还是用中文吧,关于C P啦,张起灵是否可能爱上女人啦,无邪是否爱他啦,胖子到底叫王啥子啦,终极是个什么坑啦,还有长生药是否能生产出来等等这些事,都丢给三叔吧,我们只要静静看着就好,或者自己另开一个更大的坑,坑更多人。

  67. 57楼  2017-07-29 20:45:14


  68. 匿名  2017-07-29 20:49:50


  69. JY007  2017-07-29 21:20:34


    I’m well aware my English isn’t good. I can’t read or type Chinese so this is my only option.

    I just miss Zhang Qi Ling so much. In the recent 盗墓笔记重启 chapters even there is Xiaoge in the story, his role is too little compare to Wuxie and Fat.

    盗墓笔记 comes from Wuxie (the protagonist’s point of view)
    I understand that Wuxie doesn’t know everything about Xiaoge so what he can tell us is limited and because of Zhang Qi Ling’s personality. He doesn’t talk or act much either.

    I read somewhere the author said now he want to avoid writing 瓶邪 and 黑花 because they are popular couples.
    In fact I don’t really care because I’m not a fan of 瓶邪 but I’m not satisfied when xiaoge’s role is decreased. I waited so long for Xiaoge to come back. I had plenty of Wuxie and fat for the past years but the other roles beside those two is really lacking.

    That’s why I hope Zhang Qi Ling has more connections to the world, not only with Wuxie. That way he will have more stories involved around him.

    I understand lover for Zhang Qi Ling is not necessary, still I have to point this out. I know it sounds impossible for Xiaoge to fall in love, but everything have an exception. If the author willing to let him to.
    Blame me but I quite like Zhang Qi Ling and Chen Wen jin together. It’s a shame she is uncle three’s lover. If she isn’t, I will root for them to the end. (the little girl in seven dream comic is so cute too)

    And how can you be so sure if he falls for someone his relatioship with Wuxie will have to end? They can still be friends. 张起灵 and 吴邪 is not lover to begin with. I hope it’s not your selfish thinking that Xiaoge has to look and care for Wuxie only even if you are also not 瓶邪 fans. The same can goes with Wuxie as well. If he has a lover I think Wuxie, fat and Xiaoge can still be good friends.

    Is it unfair that Wuxie has family and friends. but Zhang Qi Ling has to show interest in Wuxie only? Why he has to be indifferent to everyone else except Wuxie? *sigh*

  70. JY007  2017-07-29 21:33:35


    盗墓笔记 is licensed and translated in my country so I already read the novel in my country language. I like the role he is given till the point he come back from the bronze door. I also thankful that he is alive and well. He even found peace in his life living in the rain village. Still in the recent 盗墓笔记重启 chapters he feel like a supporting character to me.
    I couldn’t help but want to see more of him. ^^

  71. JY007  2017-07-29 21:41:58

    I already read the translated novel in my country language.
    About 盗墓笔记重启 include your question I use translation program to help me understand. I may not understand all of it but I can tell Xiaoge role is very little. I come here every day to 盗墓笔记重启 just to see Zhang Qi Ling again.

  72. 吴山居的小茶杯  2017-07-29 22:55:10

    可怕了 三叔这悬念可是厉害了 盗墓贼变成了人皮 饶是邪帝见惯大风大浪也是一身冷汗 老闷记得一会儿要安抚天真。
    ps 就喜欢看吴邪胖子侃天侃地

  73. 吴山居的小藤椅  2017-07-29 23:17:39

    57楼 张起灵的幸福不一定是找个女人在一起一辈子柴米油盐,未来谁也不知道,但是稻米都知道他现在的归宿与幸福就是和吴邪胖子二人在雨村生活,而在吴邪胖子离去之前,我们都愿意看到小哥能够在经历多舛命运之后得以留在他想留的地方,陪着他愿意守护的人。
    最后一句。57楼的朋友,save wuxie from danger而不是dangerous。

  74. 翕秋  2017-07-29 23:59:06

    @匿名:I am agree with you.
    @JY007:I don’t think you are a person who really understand Zhang Qiling.If you know his past,his experiences and his pain in the bottom of his heart,you will not only to say” I hope in the future there will come a female character who love him and dedicated to him.”

  75. 匿名  2017-07-30 00:08:56


  76. 外国人去屎  2017-07-30 01:31:33


  77. 匿名  2017-07-30 01:44:36


  78. @JY007  2017-07-30 05:50:14

    @JY007: I appreciated that you love the book series and went through a whole lot deal to read them through translation. I agreed by the word count, Zhang may not seem to be as present as the other two. But isn’t that just his character? If one day he speaks and acts as much as Wuxie or the Fattie does, he is not Zhang any more. His reservation and detachment from the world is what attracts us the most about him. We are sad that he has to endure what is sort of forced upon him by his family. But isn’t that a necessary subplot that leads us to be so moved by this character when he never resent or hate the world even if he’s been quite unfairly treated throughout his whole life? You can’t ask the author to increase the presence of Zhang by changing his character. Zhang should change if he wants to live in a happier way. But there are something fundamental about him that cannot be changed to preserve a character that fans love so much. Of course, I’m also curious about what Zhang is thinking and his own attitude towards the world surrounds him. So yes, it’d be great if there could be one or two short essays that narrate from his point of view. But in the main book, we should let Zhang be what he is known of.
    And I never said that Zhang should only care for Wuxie. I know it seems so unfair when Wuxie can have friends and family while Zhang has only Wuxie in this world. You want Zhang to also have something more. But first of all, you need to realize they are completely different in essence. Wuxie is more like an average everyday citizen in China while Zhang is an outlier. You can imagine Wuxie to have family, friends, or lovers. But can you imagine that Zhang has the same things? I have to admit that Zhang’s life is sad. I guess that’s the weight that he has to carry when he can live and stay young forever. Plus Zhang does have other people in his life, or more or so his underlings from Zhang family. The way to live is a personal choice. When Zhang is named as the head of his family, he chose to fulfill his responsibilities. He is the last Zhang of his family. He can choose not to do anything, but he didn’t. As I said before, that’s one of those things that draws us to this character. And I never said that Zhang has to end his friendship with Wuxie if he wants to fall in love with a woman. You made it sound like CP. But that’s not what I meant. I was just contemplating a situation in which Zhang can fall in love with another person. We have to admit that it’s almost become Zhang’s instinct to shield himself from others. What kind of person would be so intriguing and attractive to make Zhang to subconsciously allow himself to get closer to and fall in love? I don’t know. Maybe he just simply can’t. So the only situation that I can imagine of is when he loses his memories again, which would also mean that he forgets Wuxie. And that’s just quite devastating for book fans. Just to think, if you ask Zhang to choose, what would he choose?

  79. 匿名  2017-07-30 06:36:35


  80. 匿名  2017-07-31 12:32:22


  81. 苏苏苏  2017-08-12 23:43:51


  82. 嗯。。。  2017-08-18 11:04:22


  83. 懒得取名  2017-08-19 23:29:44

    @JY007: I don’t agree with you.
    And… I think Chinese is better here.
    ps 小哥英文名kylin zhang

  84. 匿名  2017-10-03 11:07:33


  85. 张起灵家的小娇妻  2017-11-10 13:53:21


  86. 炸毛天真  2017-11-11 04:27:21


  87. JY007的英文好棒  2017-12-02 02:36:22


  88. 匿名  2018-01-14 10:37:16





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