Setting: Remote Execution

Object level configurations to further customize and make automations more flexible, reusable and suitable for everyday tasks.
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Setting: Remote Execution

Unread post by YiMeng »


Server Configuration and Network Automation

The connection setting to the socket server where the automation will be executed remotely.

When you set server configuration on a separate pc, find out the ip-address of that pc and its configured socket port from the inputsock console and enter its values in this field. IP and port separated by “:”.

Default value “:”.

  • This field can be used to set broadcast parameters for automation to be executed on multiple servers/clients.
    • ex. "BROADCAST:c:\fullpath.txt"
    • fullpath.txt is the fullpath to a text file where every line consist of IP and port in the format of ""
  • Enter a valid IP Address and port seperated by ":" that is running inputsock or specify broadcast and path to a text file with list of clients.
    • ex. ""
    • ex. "BROADCAST:c:\fullpath.txt"