This feature requires chrome to be installed on the running workstation.
Autofill web forms identifies a particular web field on a website using XPATH as identifier.
XPATH can be identified, copy/paste from chrome browser, using its inspector tool. Instruction below.
Keywords related to autofill web forms are grouped in the update notes.
- Specify URL of the web form
- Specify XPath to the username field to autofill with "MYUSERNAME"
- WEBTEXT //*[@id="id_username"] MYUSERNAME
- Specify XPath to the password field to autofill with "MYPASSWORD"
- WEBTEXT //*[@id="id_password"] MYPASSWORD
- Specify XPath to submit button and trigger its click event to submit the form
- WEBELEM //*[@id="main-copy"]/div/div/div/div/form/div[4]/input[1]
- Sets a variable with value of a value attribute from a website.
- Keyword: WEBGETTEXT.
- Sets a variable with value from a text field from a website.
Identify XPath for a target web element
- Open Chrome, navigate to web form URL
- Press Ctrl+Shift+C, to open inspector and ready to target element
- Left click the web element you want to target on the webpage
- Right click on the highlighted text in the "Elements" tab in the inspector console
- Choose:
- Copy
- Copy XPath
- Copy
- You can then paste this XPath to use in automation scripts